Funny Word Pamplemousse

I like silly words.
And my personal favorite, snog.

When I find silly words in unlikely places, it makes them hysterical.
My oldest, Xander, calls sparkling water static. And as it sizzles down the throat and plinks it’s can, it really does drink and sound like static. It’s a funny word that fits.

Today I restocked our static stash. You can buy it in pure fizz or flavored varieties that, depending on the mix, taste refreshing, or like Pledge or a bad imitation of something good that went very wrong.

I bought La Croix Apricot, Cran-Rasberry, Mango, and Pamplemousse flavors. Why was Pamplemousse not in English like the others? Great question. But it is a silly name. It could be a sidekick in a YA Mystery as in, “Pamplemousse, it’s time we tell the widow Jenkins who murdered her husband.”

It could be a good guy or a bad girl, or part of an incantation, or Grapefruit in French. Who knows?

I ponder the possibilities while I gulp down the last tittynope of Pamplemousse still in my glass.

Ice cubes clink, and I wonder.

Bill Riley

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