Welcome to billrileyauthor.com

Thank you for visiting my website.  As my first book begins its trek from written to published, this website will grow as the professional platform for my brand of stories, news, and events.

Right now my site is more of an apple cart I’m standing on so I can be seen in the crowd rather than a full-frontal marketing machine of a platform, but it’s a sweet apple cart with cool pinstripes.  I’ve filled it with delicious local apples that I handpicked and polished to a shine just for you.  I think they’re tasty, but take a bite and tell me what you think.

Recently I attended the Idaho Writers Conference and it was excellent.  Small enough to mingle and talk with other writers and industry professionals, big enough to attract outstanding presenters.  For a very reasonable fee I learned a lot.

After meeting with literary agents and publishers and established writers, I was able to get great guidance.  My very first manuscript pitch to a literary agent, whom I would love to work with, went great.  Unfortunately, BAGHDADDY wasn’t the right type of memoir for her portfolio, but she did refer it to a colleague where it might be a perfect fit.  While that’s not a signed deal for representation, it was reassuring to have interest in my story.  I hope it works out but I left the conference more focused on what I need to do on the business side of writing, and once the government finishes its pre-publication review of the last half of my manuscript, I’ll step out smartly and keep pushing my apple cart past the crowd.

Writing is art, publishing is business.  Thank you again for visiting my site.

Posted in Bill Riley Author, On Writing.