BAGHDADDY butterflies preorder memoir

BAGHDADDY Butterflies

Never let anyone ever tell you that writing a book isn’t a brave thing. It’s an act of love, faith, and endurance. There are no guarantees, only a million reasons to stop, and often the only reason to keep going is your confidence and belief that this crazy solo journey is worth all the effort it takes to bring YOUR story to life.

I have days where my belief is shaky, I sometimes question my abilities, and I struggle to write the right thing in the right place. But I keep writing because I love the story I’m trying to tell, and I believe that readers will too.

My first book, BAGHDADDY, launches on 7 May. That’s less than two months away, and even though initial reviews have been great, I still have butterflies the size of B-52 bombers circling in my stomach. It’s fear of the unknown and that nagging doubt that after everything is said and done, will my book resonate with readers? It’s a different kind of war story, but is it too different? Was it worth the journey it took to write? And was it worth all the other things I could have done instead of writing this book?

I say, YES. Norman Mailer once said, “Writing books is the closest men ever come to childbearing.” I didn’t put much stock in that until I got to this point, but now I’m expectant, nervous, and hopeful. It’s a good book, a meaningful book, and I just approved the printer’s proof so it will be in stores soon. I feel like this memoir is all grown up and moving away. I’m proud of the stories I was able to share in this book. All I can do now is is encourage it, see how it does, and help where I can.

Posted in Bill Riley Author.


    • Thank you Arleen! I’ll make sure you and Tom get an invite to the launch as soon as we get the last details locked down.

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